Advent of code 2020

This year's Advent of Code story was about taking a vacation to a tropical island from the north pole. It's a fantastic challenge to tease the puzzles out of the narrative.
My first time really giving Advent of Code a go and it was a lot of fun:
- I practiced a lot of data manipulation
- learned a thing or two about algorithms
Tried TypeScript for some of the later puzzles to get used to the TypeScript compiler and typical warnings
Even tried Python for the first time in a couple of puzzles to see how it feels compared to JavaScript.
found TDD with AVA to be super helpful in reminding me to break up my code and keep it tested, this really shines as you near the solution but there's just one thing wrong somewhere.
I managed a score of 20* which I'm pretty pleased with, considering how difficult it is to find the time the closer we get to Christmas day.