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About me (and my skills)…

Hey 👋, so, I'm a front-end web developer based in London U.K.

I've built a lot of user interfaces

During a decade of digital agency I've planned, coded and maintained digital-experiences with a wonderful team of people. Projects ranging from small brochure webites to data driven webapps.

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  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon
  • a website favicon

Some things I believe…

Semantic HTML and good website performance are foundational to the work we do. It's a happy bonus these support SEO.

Inclusivity on the web

Creating websites that are accessible and inclusive is of utmost importance.

I strive to meet WCAG2.1 standards for the projects I work on and advocate for its recommendations.


Teamwork is essential

I've lead teams of developers to provide customer friendly solutions. Supporting coworkers is a highlight of my day. It's as fun and important to help others progress, as to be taught something new myself.

The way we build websites has changed a lot over the years

HTMLCSSPHPPhotoShopIllustratorWordPressSublimeTextBowerCodeKitJSBootstrapGulpBitbucketES6GitHubjQueryPreProsGSAPCreative CloudNodenpmScrollMagicSassTrelloGitJiraPostCSSSketchSlackVue.jsWebpackWP Advanced Custom FieldsDockerInVisionNuxt.jsPostmanRollupVS CodeYarnAVAAWSCypress.jsParcelPM2Three.jsTypeScriptBlender 3DGraphQLPythonSnowpackSvelte.jsViteJestnext.jsReactRustAmplitude

I've built up a variety of skills:

I'm familiar with modern front-end frameworks such as React.js, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and SvelteKit.
End-to-end tested applications with Cypress.js. Unit tested with runners like Jest and AVA. Then incorporated them into a continuous delivery process with Bitbucket Pipelines.
I've configured tooling technologies like TypeScript, Webpack, Rollup, Vite, Gulp, npm, Docker and Yarn.
Enhanced experiences with popular JS libraries including GSAP, ScrollMagic, Three.js, jQuery to supplement vanilla JS and achieve custom behaviour.
I've implemented data driven front-ends calling on R.E.S.T APIs. We organise and test their schemas with Postman. I'm keen to improve my GraphQL skills.
For fun, taught myself a little Python (with unit testing) whilst participating in the annual Advent of Code code challenges last year
Worked with PHP technologies like WordPress (Advanced Custom Fields).
Incorporated CSS tooling and libraries like Sass, Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation.
Collabotated using GitHub and Bitbucket.
I'm competent with various design software: PhotoShop, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision.
Recently I've started dabbling with 3D using Three.js and Blender.
I've configured and administered project management and organisational software for our teams such as Jira, Trello and Slack.